
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Meg Myers - Daughter In the Choir EP (2012)


Website free download page

We've seen Meg Myers hanging out with Dr. Rosen Rosen for awhile now, recording music and making random videos. The Dr. was kind enough to send us an email a few months back letting us know the young lady that stood out to us on his GIRLS EP was set to release a EP in March, but he forgot to mention it would be free to download (which means no no for G.M.O). While we all know Rosen is aware of the benefits of free distribution, something led me to believe Meg might stick to more tradition ways. Well, it turns out Meg is also quite the pioneer in free legal music distribution, her new Daughter In The Choir EP is now available free to download from her website.

Favorite tracks: After You, Curbstomp

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